The creator of the Bon Fire Box, Zack, quickly became the designated fire builder at the family cottage. This was because he loved the process of building a campfire and the method he developed resulted in fires that could be started with a single match and they didn’t need any additional maintenance or stoking. This allowed everyone to enjoy each others company without the stress of keeping a fire alive through constant adjustments, blowing and excessive smoke.
Zack eventually realized that not everyone enjoyed the process of fire building, felt comfortable doing it or had the time. That’s when the idea struck that maybe it would be possible to package the fires that Zack had already been making for others to enjoy at a later time.
Bon Fire Box Inc. was created to provide pre-built campfires for Canadians to make it easier for them to enjoy the timeless experience of gathering around a campfire with family and friends. We also plant a tree for each box we sell so that, together with our customers, we can have positive impact on our environment every time we enjoy a campfire.